
New PoP in Emirates Arab United has been deployed


We are thrilled to announce our expansion over to Fujairah in the United Emirates Arab. As we bring Melbicom's distinctive expertise to the Middle East, this new venture is shaping up to be a cornerstone for us in the region.

Our presence in this strategic location promises substantial network advantages, including privileged peering routes to India via the IMEWE network (India-Middle East-Western Europe).

Therefore, it features an outstanding network capacity with up to 40 GBPS per dedicated servers tailored for intensive network workloads. It's a step forward in empowering our clients who wants to establish a foothold in the middle east for their activities. 

This modern facility being Tier III certified, allows us to keep our commitment to providing a high standard of reliability in all the services. 

This location also enhances our Content Delivery Network capabilities by reducing latency slashing latency rates not only in the surrounding areas but also down to the southern regions of Africa the Southern Part of Africa though the EASSy  (Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System) 

We're quite excited about this expansion and hope you are too. But let's be clear, this is merely a stepping stone to even broader vistas we plan to explore.


For more details about our UAE datacenter and its associated services, you may refer to our CDN solutions, Cloud servers and our dedicated servers - or you may get in touch with our dedicated team who are on standby to assist you from this contact form.

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